Taking Hearts Back to Wholeness


Pronounced "SPL-AHN-KNA"
The Greek word for 'gut,' used in reference to the subconscious brain and our mind/body/spirit interconnection.

Splankna is a Christian-based protocol for Mind-Body Work, a tool for inner healing and emotional release. Through Muscle Testing, Thought Field Therapy, EMDR, Neuro-Emotional Technique, and prayer, Splankna protocol taps into the subconscious root of symptoms, helping to identify and alleviate "stuck" emotional energy and thinking patterns adopted during past traumas.

I am very excited to be a part of your healing journey with the tools at my disposal through Splankna!

While Splankna is based on the belief that God's will is to heal, and I do use prayer in my practice, it is not exclusive to practicing Christians or those with any religious observation. I will advocate for your wholeness with no bias and no condemnation - regardless of your religion, race, sexuality, gender, or any other identifiers. Healing is for everyone!

Based in Knoxville, TN

For more information on Splankna as a healing protocol you can visit www.splankna.com

If you're extra curious, you can also read or listen to the book 'Splankna' by Sarah J. Thiessen, which is available on Amazon and Audible.